One of the reasons for making crazy quilt blocks is to use fabric scraps. When we sew clothes or other things we always have surplus fabrics that we tend to throw away, but we should not, because they can be reused. So are the clothes were no longer wear. We can cut them into pieces and save those to use them creatively in our textile works later on.
You could say: “I don’t throw away my old clothes but I give them to the poor.” If you are sure that they will end up well, there is nothing wrong with that. In many cases however, given clothes end up in landfills. As can be seen on the graph, only 14% of donated clothes are reused.

One of my ways to reuse old clothes is to turn them into crazy quilt blocks.
I have sorted the fabric by colors. Each color is kept in a shoebox. Once I have decided which colors to use, I cut the fabric in strips, not using a ruler, but freehand cutting.
Crazy quilts need a base to sew the fabric scraps on. For the base, I use muslin or an old cotton sheet. I cut a square, in the dimensions I want. gives you the instructions you need.
Figure 1 and 2 are finished works. Fabric scraps in harmonious and sometimes contrasting colors were sewn together to form the base for the crazy quilt. On the base you can add hand or machine embroidery, appliqué and other embellishments. Figure 3 shows a base for a crazy quilt. How it will look like when finished will be shown in a coming blog.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Reactie plaatsen
Dear Artedofio.
Thanks of posting. Your works are very inspiring. Great that you care so much for the environment. Keep up the good work.
proficiat hoor !!!! zowel de website als de kunstwerkjes zijn super prachtig !! Je bent een echte grote artiste ! veel inspiratie verder en een gelukkige creatieve eindejaarsperiode !